'MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME': Hillary, DNC Funneled $84 Million Through State Parties and Tesla Motors To Avoid Campaign Finance Laws, Lawsuits Claim

"FEC officials did not respond to a request for comment, 'citing an open investigation.'"

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

On Monday, a lawsuit was filed against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that claims the government entity has ignored complaints alleging that the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) funneled money through state parties to avoid campaign finance laws.

The lawsuit was filed by Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a political action committee that used to be called Stop Hillary PAC, and alleges that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) sent millions of dollars in donations it received into a money laundering scheme to skirt campaign finance laws. Fox News reports:

As first reported by Fox News at the time, the CDP alleges in its complaint that about $84 million was funneled illegally from the DNC through state party chapters and back into the war chest of the Clinton campaign. The political action committee claims that even though the FEC acknowledged receipt of the complaint and claimed that an investigation would be conducted, the needle has barely moved. ...

The complaint filed against the FEC said previous reports showed a series of transactions in which the HVF disbursed contributions to its state party committee members -- and they would receive the funds on the same day. The HVF would also allegedly disburse funds to up to 40 state parties at the same time, and those parties would send the money back within 24 hours.

“Based on publicly available FEC records, repeatedly throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, HVF would purportedly transfer funds to its constituent political committees, which included between 34 and 40 state parties,” the complaint states. “On the very same day each of these transfers supposedly occurred, or occasionally the very next day, every single one of those state parties purportedly contributed all of those funds to the DNC.”

“The Clinton machine has escaped accountability for its illegal practices for far too long,” Ted Harvey, chairman of CDP, told Fox News. “After months of review, the FEC has refused to address the Clintons’ $84 million money laundering scheme that violated several campaign finance laws.”

According to Fox News, FEC officials did not respond to a request for comment, "citing an open investigation."

"A provision of federal campaign finance law requires that any Commission action on an enforcement matter be kept strictly confidential until the case is resolved," an FEC statement to Fox News states. "To comply with this legal commitment and to protect the interests of those involved, we have a policy of not commenting on matters that are before the agency."